Thirteen Years Later: THE BREAK-UP and COASTLINES

As we near our fiftieth episode there may be some of you (hopefully very few as we don't have many listeners to begin with) contemplating breaking up with us. That would be a mistake. Let us take you back thirteen years when THE BREAK-UP starring Vince V...

4 years ago

As we near our fiftieth episode there may be some of you (hopefully very few as we don't have many listeners to begin with) contemplating breaking up with us. That would be a mistake. Let us take you back thirteen years when THE BREAK-UP starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston presented this particular unpleasant event in a humorous light. If that's not enough where else will you find a movie podcast covering the Josh Brolin and Timothy Olyphant classic COASTLINES? I rest my case. Click here for more of the GREAT Sober Cinema:

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